In recent decade the importance of developing use of renewable energy and replacing fossil energy with this type of energy is not wearing for any researcher and governments. Hence in this investigation we developed an augmented growth model in theoretical Aspects, in developed model we separated energy in fossil and renewable energy. After solving the developed theoretical model and survey the results of the model, the share of renewable energy in the total energy has been predicted during 2008 - 2041. According to taken place calculations, the optimal share of electricity generated from fossil energy sources for Iranian economy in 1420 should be 51 percent and renewable energy share of total electricity production should be 49 percent. However, according to the data of year 2008 only 2% of electricity generated by renewable energy sources and 98% of electricity is generated by fossil energy. In order to achieve optimum share of renewable energy that measured in this study, the production of renewable energy should be has 3/3 percent annual growth.
Ostadzad A H. Prediction Optimal Share of Renewable Energy from Total Energy in Long-run for Iranian Economy (1387-1420). Quarterly Journal of Energy Policy and Planning Research 2013; 0 (1) :2-28 URL: